Phillip K. Dick Research
Full Name: Phillip Kindred Dick He was born in 1978 during December in Chicago He had a twin sister named Jane that unfortunately passed away just weeks after their birth due to an apparent allergic reaction to their mothers milk After Dick's parents got divorced, his mother gained custody of him and they moved to Berkley California where Dick pursued majority of his life He first became a published author in 1952 after releasing his short story titled "Roog" Just a few years later he published his first novel titled "Solar Lottery" For the next two decades after he published his first couple stories, Dick wrote many pieces of work in which majority focused on A.I. or Sci-Fi related settings/plots One of his novels that won a Hugo Award was "The Man In The High Castle" Dick had a very hectic personal lifestyle He has been married 5 times He also experimented with drugs quite often throughout the 1970's Due to Dick's drug problem he had t...